Questions and Answers:

Where are you situated?
127, Symonds Street, Eden Terrace, Auckland
Do you do Consignment?
Nah, not right now, but who knows what the future holds!
What hours are you open?
 WEDS 11-4.30PM
THURS 11-4.30PM
FRI 11-4.30PM
SAT 11-3PM
Our hours are like a chameleon, always changing. Keep up with us on our Instagram page.
Do you take donations?
Yes we do! Please email retail@aucklandcitymission.org.nz
An Expert Guide to Understanding the Condition Scale.
 Antique:  Aging like fine wine, this item may show a few spots and wear from its long and eventful life. But hey, who doesn't love a good vintage?


These groovy items may show a little wear and tear from their age, but don't worry, we'll spill the beans in the details for each listing!


These items are like hidden treasures, just waiting to be brought back to life with a sprinkle of love or a burst of inspiration!


Well-loved and still kickin'.

Fair Use:

A few subtle signs of wear.


Pre-loved item with a bit of character but no harm done!


Pre-loved items with a splash of personality but no harm done! Outstanding: These goodies are in tiptop shape with hardly any signs of wear.


The creme de la creme of brand new goodies!

Brand New:

Fancy schmancy items with tags intact and zero signs of wear.
Do you need any volunteers?
We're searching for enthusiastic helpers. Whether you love fashion, retail, merchandising, online/social media, or simply want to assist behind the scenes, we can place you in our amazing team.
Please email volunteer@aucklandcitymission.org.nz
and mention 'Good Stuff.'